Terminal 12A




Rua Xavier da Silveira S/N

Port of Santos, Right Margin

Santos – SP - ZIP Code 11013-050

Service Channels:

Tel. +55 13 3023-6700 - Administrative (7am to 4:48pm)

Tel. +55 13 3023-6790 - Scheduling (7am to 11pm)

Tel. +55 13 3023-6798 - Emergency (Activation NR29/PCE                and ISPS Code - 24h)

Mobile +55 13 99676-7519 - Operation (24h)

Email: contato@terminal12a.com

Questions, Suggestions and Complaints: tecmaispertodevoce@cofcointernational.com

Truck park

Pátio Regulador de Caminhões

Rodopark - Pólo Industrial e

Petroquímico de Cubatão

Av. Eng. Plínio de Queiroz S/N

Cubatão / SP

Tel. +55 13 3367-1686